Common Questions

What are braces, and how do they work?

Braces are orthodontic devices that use brackets, wires, and bands to gradually shift and align teeth. They apply gentle pressure to guide teeth into their proper positions.

Can adults get braces too?

Yes, adults can get braces to correct misalignments and improve their smiles. There are discreet options available, such as clear braces, to suit adult patients' preferences.

What are aligners, and how do they differ from braces?

Aligners are clear, custom-made trays that fit over teeth and gently move them into alignment. Unlike braces, they are removable and virtually invisible.

Are aligners suitable for all orthodontic issues?

Aligners are effective for many orthodontic problems, such as gaps, crowding, and bite issues. Severe cases may require traditional braces for optimal results.

Why do I need to wear retainers after treatment?

Retainers are essential to maintain the results achieved through braces or aligner treatment. They prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions, ensuring long-lasting results.

What should I expect during my first orthodontic visit?

During your initial visit, your orthodontist will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays and digital impressions. They will discuss treatment options and create a personalized plan.

How is 3D printing used in orthodontics?

3D printing technology is used to create custom aligners, retainers, and other orthodontic appliances, precisely ensuring a comfortable fit and effective treatment.

At what age should my child start orthodontic treatment?

The ideal age for children to receive orthodontic evaluations is around 7. Early assessment helps identify any potential issues and plan for timely treatment.

How much do orthodontic treatments cost?

The cost of orthodontic treatments can vary based on the complexity of the case and the chosen treatment option. Our team will provide a detailed breakdown and discuss financing options during your consultation. We are dedicated to answering any other questions you may have and providing you with exceptional orthodontic care for you and your family.

Living with Braces


Elastics, also known as rubber bands, help correct bite issues and align your teeth properly. They come in different sizes and configurations, depending on your treatment needs. It's essential to wear them as instructed and change them regularly to achieve the desired results.

Eating With Braces

During your orthodontic treatment, it's essential to be mindful of the foods you eat. Avoid hard, sticky, and crunchy foods that can damage your braces. Opt for braces-friendly alternatives to keep your appliances intact and your teeth healthy.

Pain and Soreness

It's normal to experience some discomfort after getting braces or having adjustments. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can help alleviate soreness and irritation. As your mouth gets used to the braces, the discomfort will gradually subside.

Brushing and Flossing

Proper oral hygiene is crucial during braces treatment. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss daily to remove food particles and plaque. Special orthodontic brushes and floss threaders can help clean around the braces effectively.

Retainers and Appliances

After completing your braces treatment, retainers and other appliances help maintain the results. Retainers should be worn as prescribed to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their original positions.

About Orthodontics


Invisalign is a popular and discreet orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. These removable aligners are virtually invisible and offer a more comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional braces.

Two-Phase Treatment

Two-phase treatment is an orthodontic approach for children with specific jaw or bite issues. It involves two stages of treatment to address problems early on and guide proper dental development as the child grows.

Impacted and Missing Teeth

Impacted teeth are teeth that have not erupted fully or are obstructed by other teeth or bones. Missing teeth can be congenital or due to trauma or dental issues. Orthodontic treatment can address these issues to improve oral health and aesthetics.

Crowding and Spacing of Teeth

Crowding occurs when there is insufficient space in the jaw to accommodate all the teeth, leading to overlapping or misalignment. Spacing refers to gaps between teeth. Orthodontic interventions can correct these issues for a balanced smile.

Orthodontic Disorders

Orthodontic disorders encompass a wide range of dental irregularities, such as malocclusions, jaw misalignments, and crooked teeth. Our team of orthodontists and state-of-the-art technology allow us to address these disorders effectively

Classification Of Face

Class I: This class refers to dental malocclusions that may require teeth removal for correction or can be treated with expansion. Class II: Involving maxillary dental protrusion or mandibular retrognathism (lower jaw undergrowth), this class may require early growth guidance or orthognathic surgery. Class III: This class includes mandibular dental protrusion or mandibular prognathism (lower jaw overgrowth), which can be treated with orthodontic procedures, and more complex cases may require orthognathic surgery. At Reuter Orthodontics, we take a comprehensive approach to understand your teeth and will ensure a balanced and harmonious smile for each individual patient.

Classification Of Teeth

Class I: This is considered a normal relationship between the upper and lower teeth and jaws, resulting in a balanced bite. However, variations within Class I can include crowding or spacing of the teeth. Class II: This class is characterized by the lower first molar being positioned more towards the back of the mouth than the upper first molar. This abnormal relationship leads to the upper front teeth and jaw projecting further forward than the lower teeth and jaw. Class III: The third class involves the lower first molar being located more towards the front of the mouth than the upper first molar. In this case, the lower teeth and jaw project further forward than the upper teeth and jaws, resulting in a concave appearance in profile with a prominent chin. We utilize our expertise and advanced techniques to address each classification effectively, providing patients with individualized treatment plans to achieve optimal dental alignment.


When it comes to emergencies, we understand the importance of swift and reliable dental care. Our team is always ready to assist you during dental emergencies to ensure your well-being and comfort. Whether you're experiencing severe tooth pain, a broken tooth, or any other urgent dental issue, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We offer prompt appointments to address your emergency needs and provide you with the necessary treatment and relief.